Since December 2015 the young visual artists Fadi Nadrous from Syria and Farimah Soltani from Iran worked one day a week at the studio of Bart Drost, the space where the MAAS-activities take place. In 'an universal language' Fadi and Farimah show recent works that they have made here in the Netherlands. Each of them also invited an artist/friend to contribute to the show.

Fadi Nadrous
Fadi (1993) is a graphic artist and animator. September 2015 he graduated at the Damascus University, the Faculty of Fine Arts. He makes a kind of pop-art drawings, and as an illustrator he is telling stories.
Amer Alwahibi
Amer (1993) studied at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Damascus, the Graphic Department. He left Damascus before beying able to finish his last year and lives in Groningen now. Next year he will continue his study at the Academie Minerva.
Farimah Soltani
Farimah (1991) is born and grew up in Teheran. She is an autodidact artist. She makes drawings and paintings about her life and her dreams.


MAAS open on Saturday 23th and Sunday 24th April 13:00 - 17:00 h
 on Sunday there will be  soup, bread and drinks
Graafseweg 183A   Nijmegen

N.b.: Graafseweg 183A heeft géén parkeerruimte. Parkeren kan op het terrein van de witte molen aan de Looimolenweg, recht tegenover MAAS, of bij de  achteringang: Hatertseveldweg 26.



Onder de noemer MAAS-Project organiseert MAAS activiteiten op kunstzinnig gebied buiten haar eigen muren van de voormalige Melkfabriek Maas & Waal in Nijmegen, in samenwerking met andere initiatieven of in een ongewone formule. Heb  jij een idee dat binnen het kader van MAAS-Project  zou kunnen passen, stuur dan een mail naar via Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.